Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (2024)

The HKMA has been actively exploring CBDCs since 2017 to understand their benefits and potential applications. As part of the “Fintech 2025” strategy announced in 2021, the HKMA has been studying, experimenting on and piloting CBDCs through various projects at wholesale and retail levels, involving domestic and cross-border payments, to increase Hong Kong’s readiness for issuing CBDCs.

Wholesale CBDC

The HKMA’s initial exploration of CBDCs focused on wholesale CBDCs. In 2017, the HKMA commenced its CBDC journey with Project LionRock. This was a proof-of-concept (PoC) project that studied potential applications of CBDCs in handling large-value payments and delivery-versus-payment settlements. This project was named after Hong Kong’s most iconic mountain, in collaboration with the three note-issuing banks and the Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited.

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  • Project Inthanon-LionRock

    In 2019, the HKMA and the Bank of Thailand (BOT) commenced Project Inthanon-LionRock to study the application of CBDCs for cross-border payments. This project was completed in December 2019 and a DLT-based PoC prototype was developed successfully together with ten participating banks from both places. The HKMA and the BOT jointly published a leaflet and a report in November 2019 and January 2020 respectively to present the key findings.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (1)

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (2)Inthanon-LionRock: Leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology to Increase Efficiency in Cross-Border Payments (Leaflet)

    Project Inthanon-LionRock entered the second phase in 2020. With the joining of the Digital Currency Institute of the People’s Bank of China (PBC DCI) and the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (CBUAE) in February 2021, and with the strong support of the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub (BISIH) Centre in Hong Kong, the project has evolved into the third phase and was renamed as the Multiple CBDC Bridge (mBridge).

  • Project mBridge

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (3)

    Project mBridge further explores the capabilities of DLT, through developing a trial platform, to facilitate real-time cross-border foreign exchange payment-versus-payment transactions in a multi-jurisdictional context and on a 24/7 basis. Project mBridge also explores business use cases in a cross-border context using both domestic and foreign currencies. Participating institutions jointly published a report in September 2021 to deliver the key takeaways of Project Inthanon-LionRock Phase 2 and introduce the scope of mBridge.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (4)

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (5)Inthanon-LionRock to mBridge: Building a multi CBDC platform for international payments

    A brochure was published in November 2021 to present the development progress of Project mBridge, including the potential business use cases identified, trial transactions on international trade settlement, and an outline of the future roadmap of the platform.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (6)

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (7)mBridge: Building a multi CBDC platform for international payments

    In Q3 2022, Project mBridge entered the pilot phase. During the six-week pilot, 20 banks in four jurisdictions used the mBridge platform to conduct over 160 payment and foreign exchange transactions totalling more than HK$171 million. It was among the first multi-CBDC projects to settle real-value, cross-border transactions on behalf of corporates. A report was published in October 2022 to deliver the results and key lessons learnt of the pilot.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (8)

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (9)Project mBridge: Connecting economies through CBDC

    A brochure was published in October 2023 to provide an update on and outline the next steps for Project mBridge.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (10)

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (11)Project mBridge Update: Experimenting with a multi-CBDC platform for cross-border payments

  • Project Ensemble

    In March 2024 the HKMA launched Project Ensemble, a new wholesale central bank digital currency (wCBDC) project, to support the development of the tokenisation market in Hong Kong. Project Ensemble seeks to explore innovative financial market infrastructure (FMI) that will facilitate seamless interbank settlement of tokenised money through wCBDC. The project will initially focus on tokenised deposits, which is a digital representation of commercial bank deposits. With wCBDC as the foundation, tokenised deposits can be used for tokenised asset transactions.

    At the core of Project Ensemble is the Project Ensemble Sandbox (Sandbox) that will be launched in 2024 to further research and test tokenisation use cases, including, among others, settlement of tokenised real world assets. It could potentially forge a new FMI that bridges the existing gap between tokenised real world assets and money in transactions. If the Sandbox garners sufficient interest from the industry, the HKMA will consider conducting a “live” issuance of wCBDC at an appropriate time.

    For general enquiries about Project Ensemble, please contact us via ensemble@hkma.gov.hk . For enquiries about the Sandbox, please reach out to us via ensemble_sandbox@hkma.gov.hk .

    To help set industry standards and a future-proof strategy, the HKMA formed the Project Ensemble Architecture Community (the Community) in May 2024. Please refer to the relevant section below for more details of the Community.

    Project Ensemble Architecture Community

    The Community aims to develop a set of industry standards to support interoperability among wCBDC, tokenised money and tokenised assets. It will make recommendations on specific topics, initially focusing on setting up a mechanism to support seamless interbank settlement of tokenised deposit through wCBDC for tokenised asset transactions.

    The formation of the Community is based on a range of careful considerations, including the members’ expertise in contributing to the development of the tokenisation market in Hong Kong, experience and competency in relevant fields and innovative capability. The HKMA will be working closely with the industry, and review the size and composition of the Community from time to time as and when deemed appropriate.

    For enquiries about the Community, please contact us via ensemble_ac@hkma.gov.hk .

    List of Community Members (by alphabetical order for each category)




    Hong Kong Monetary Authority

    Securities and Futures Commission

    International Organisation

    Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub Hong Kong Centre

    CBDC Expert Group

    List of CBDC Expert Group members


    Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

    Hang Seng Bank Limited

    The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

    Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

    Digital Asset Stakeholder

    HashKey Group

    Technology Company

    Ant Digital Technologies

    Microsoft Hong Kong Limited

    Project Ensemble Sandbox

    Details to be announced in mid-2024.

Retail CBDC

The HKMA officially began researching retail CBDC in 2021, and has embarked on Project e-HKD to study the prospect of issuing a retail CBDC in Hong Kong, i.e. an e-HKD, since June 2021, covering both technical and policy considerations. The HKMA has not yet reached a policy decision on whether or when to introduce an e-HKD. It will continue to actively engage the industry, academia and other stakeholders, as well as participate in international fora and monitor international developments on retail CBDCs.

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  • HKMA’s Policy Stance on e-HKD

    The HKMA conducted two rounds of market consultations on issuing an e-HKD, with one on high-level technical designs, and the other on key policy and design issues. The HKMA published a paper in September 2022 to provide its initial views on how to best position Hong Kong for future developments in the sphere of digital currencies and payments.

    Technical Perspective

    A technical whitepaper titled “e-HKD: A technical perspective” was published in October 2021 to explore potential technical design options for issuing and distributing a retail CBDC. This whitepaper builds on the model for a retail CBDC as jointly investigated by the HKMA and the BISIH Centre in Hong Kong. It is the first among similar papers published by central banks to unveil a technical architecture that includes a ground-breaking privacy preservation arrangement that allow transactions to be traced in a privacy-amicable manner.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (12)
    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (13)e-HKD: A technical perspective

    Policy and Design Perspective

    A discussion paper titled “e-HKD: A Policy and Design Perspective” was published in April 2022. It discusses the potential benefits and challenges of an e-HKD, various design considerations (e.g. issuance mechanism and legal considerations), as well as the potential use cases for an e-HKD.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (14)
    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (15)e-HKD: A Policy and Design Perspective

    Policy Stance and Three-Rail Approach

    Taking into account the findings of the study and the feedback received from these two rounds of market consultation, the HKMA published a position paper titled “e-HKD: Charting the Next Steps” in September 2022 to set out its policy stance on an e-HKD. The paper outlined a three-rail approach that will be adopted to pave the way for the possible implementation of an e-HKD in Hong Kong.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (16)
    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (17)e-HKD – Charting the Next Steps

    Three-rail approach for the potential implementation of an e-HKD:

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (18)

    Rail 1 aims to lay the technology and legal foundations for supporting the future implementation of an e-HKD.

    Rail 2 runs in parallel to Rail 1, and takes deep dives into potential use cases, and implementation and design issues relating to an e-HKD. In particular, the e-HKD Pilot Programme was launched in November 2022 as a joint effort between the HKMA and the industry to explore and evaluate the commercial viability of potential use cases for an e-HKD as well as to gain actual experience, through a series of pilots conducted with the industry.

    Rail 3 will consolidate the outcomes of Rail 1 and Rail 2 for more thorough implementation planning, and will set the timeline for launching an e-HKD. The progress of Rail 3 will depend on the actual progress made under Rail 1 and Rail 2, as well as the pace of relevant local and international market development. The HKMA has not yet reached a policy decision on whether or when to introduce an e-HKD.

  • e-HKD Pilot Programme Phase 1

    The HKMA launched the e-HKD Pilot Programme, a key component of Rail 2, in November 2022. The HKMA has also developed an e-HKD Sandbox to enable participants of the e-HKD Pilot Programme to accelerate their prototyping, development and testing of their use cases, as well as to gain actual experience.

    Phase 1 of the e-HKD Pilot Programme commenced in May 2023, and took deep dives into potential domestic and retail use cases in six categories: full-fledged payments, programmable payments, offline payments, tokenised deposits, settlement of Web3 transactions, and settlement of tokenised assets. 16 firms from financial, payment and technology sectors were selected to participate.

    The HKMA published the “e-HKD Pilot Programme Phase 1 Report” in October 2023 to discuss the key findings, learnings, and the HKMA’s assessment of the conducted pilots. The pilots showed that there were three areas where an e-HKD could potentially add unique value to the current ecosystem, namely: programmability, tokenisation, and atomic settlement. The HKMA recognises that these pilots were conducted on a small scale within a controlled environment. Therefore, further investigation and evaluation would be required to determine if these benefits can be realised at a larger scale in real-life applications.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (19)
    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (20)e-HKD Pilot Programme Phase 1 Report

  • e-HKD Pilot Programme Phase 2

    The HKMA launched Phase 2 of the e-HKD Pilot Programme in March 2024, inviting industry participants to submit innovative use cases for an e-HKD. Building on the success and experience of Phase 1, the next phase will delve deeper into select pilots from Phase 1 where an e-HKD could add unique value, namely programmability, tokenisation and atomic settlement, as well as explore new use cases that have not been covered in the previous phase.

    Phase 2 of the e-HKD Pilot Programme is expected to last until mid-2025 to provide participants sufficient time to test and evaluate their proposed use cases.

    Application Process

    Interested organisations should complete the application form and submit it via email to the HKMA at cbdc@hkma.gov.hk with the subject “e-HKD Pilot Programme Phase 2 - Application ([Your Company Name])” on or before 17 May 2024. The completed form should be accompanied by relevant supplementary materials (e.g. project proposal, business plan, etc.) to substantiate your application. Organisations are welcome to submit multiple use cases.

    Applicants, including pilot participants of Phase 1, intending to submit use cases based on those explored in Phase 1 are strongly encouraged to outline in their submissions new insights they expect to attain in Phase 2. This could entail, for example, a deeper analysis into implementation issues that would be encountered in rolling out the use cases at scale.

    The HKMA expects to hold interviews with selected applicants in May/June 2024. Further details will be communicated to the selected applicants in due course.

    Assessment Criteria for Use Cases

    Submitted applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

    • Forefront of innovation: The solution should showcase innovative elements and differ significantly from existing market offerings (such as a new business model, market, or version of an existing product);
    • Customer-centric: The solution should enhance the overall customer experience or solve their existing pain points and, preferably, should have received some level of market validation (e.g. through partnership with household names);
    • Readily testable: The solution should allow for market testing with select group(s) of customers. Relevant risks should be identified with appropriate mitigating measures in place, and sufficient resources including capital and manpower should be committed;
    • Regulation-compliant: The solution should be compliant with existing licensing requirements; and
    • Hong Kong-centric: The solution should maximise the potential use of an e-HKD.
  • Collaborative Projects

    Project Aurum

    In relation to retail CBDCs, the HKMA previously collaborated with the BISIH Centre in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute on Project Aurum to create a prototype two-tier CBDC system. This project was the BISIH’s first retail CBDC project, and it studied the high-level technical design for a retail CBDC. Project Aurum resulted in the creation of a prototype two-tier CBDC system, which comprised a wholesale interbank system and a retail e-wallet system. A report was published in October 2022.

    This project laid a solid foundation for the HKMA’s subsequent retail CBDC projects (such as Project Sela), and also helped shed light on the CBDC journey for other central banks by making the source code and technical manuals accessible to all central banks.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (21)

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (22)Project Aurum: A Prototype for Two-tier Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

    Project Sela

    The HKMA collaborated with the Bank of Israel and the BISIH Centre in Hong Kong on Project Sela. This project was a joint experiment testing the feasibility of a retail CBDC architecture in promoting competition and innovation in digital payments amongst private sector intermediaries, with analysis in the areas of policy, cybersecurity, legal and technology. The proposed architecture, established as a proof of concept, allowed such intermediaries to connect directly to the CBDC ledger of the central bank. A report was published in September 2023.

    This project demonstrated that the proposed architecture could feasibly promote competition and innovation in digital payments, whilst attaining desirable levels of access and cybersecurity. In addition, it demonstrated that public-private partnerships could support the development of a vibrant ecosystem of private sector intermediaries.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (23)

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (24)Project Sela: an accessible and secure retail CBDC ecosystem

CBDC Expert Group

The HKMA established the CBDC Expert Group in October 2023 to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange on CBDC research with the academia. The group brings together experts from a range of disciplines, including business, computer sciences, economics, finance, and law, who will support the HKMA's exploration of key policy and technical issues surrounding CBDCs. The group is also intended to facilitate collaboration between the government, industry and academia in CBDC research.

The group has commenced work on a number of research papers. The inaugural paper discusses privacy issues pertaining to CBDCs. It examines the efficacy of different types of privacy-enhancing technologies. The second paper discusses the interoperability of CBDCs, and examines the viability of blockchain technologies and related standards in facilitating compatibility between different CBDC implementations. Further information on such papers will be published in due course.

  • List of CBDC Expert Group members




    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    CUHK Business School

    Professor Seen-Meng CHEW

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Faculty of Engineering

    Professor CHAN Chun-kwong

    City University of Hong Kong

    College of Engineering

    Professor WANG Cong

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    Faculty of Engineering

    Professor Allen AUMan-ho

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    Faculty of Engineering

    Professor Daniel LUO Xiapu

    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    HKUST Business School

    Professor TAM Kar-yan, MH, JP

    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    HKUST Business School

    Professor AllenHUANG Hao

    The University of Hong Kong

    Faculty of Engineering

    Professor YIU Siu-ming

    The University of Hong Kong

    Faculty of Engineering

    Dr John YUEN Tsz-hon

    The University of Hong Kong

    Faculty of Law

    Professor Douglas ARNER

    The University of Hong Kong

    HKU Business School

    Professor LINChen

    The University of Hong Kong

    HKU Business School

    Dr YOUYang

Related Information

Press Release(s)

  • Central Bank Digital Currency


  • 11 Apr 2024

    Keynote Speech at the International Conference on Central Bank Digital Currencies and Payment Systems

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 29 Feb 2024

    Keynote Speech at ASIFMA Annual Conference

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 10 Nov 2023

    Speech at Main Forum of Financial Street Forum 2023 Organised by State Administration of Foreign Exchange (Chinese version)

    by Darryl Chan, Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 09 Nov 2023

    Opening Remarks at the ChengFang Fintech Forum of the Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2023 (Chinese version)

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 02 Nov 2023

    Keynote at the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2023

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 20 Oct 2023

    Welcoming Remarks at the CBDC Expert Group Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony

    by Colin Pou, Executive Director (Financial Infrastructure), Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 12 Sep 2023

    Opening Remarks at the Project Sela Report Launch Conference

    by Howard Lee, Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 04 Sep 2023

    Keynote speech at the Treasury Markets Summit 2023

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 24 Aug 2023

    Welcoming Remarks at the Workshop on "Recent Developments and Future Prospects of the International Monetary System"

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 18 May 2023

    Opening remarks at the commencement event of e-HKD Pilot Programme

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 09 Dec 2022

    Speech at the Bund Summit 2022 (Chinese version)

    by Howard Lee, Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 23 Nov 2022

    Speech at the Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2022 (Chinese version)

    by Darryl Chan, Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 22 Nov 2022

    Keynote Speech at the Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2022 (Chinese version)

    by Howard Lee, Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 31 Oct 2022

    Opening Keynote at the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 08 Jun 2021

    Opening remarks at HKAB Fintech Seminar: Next Phase of Hong Kong’s Fintech Journey – “Fintech 2025”

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 08 Jun 2021

    Remarks by CE/MA at Media Standup – “Fintech 2025” strategy (Chinese version)

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 08 Jun 2021

    Media Briefing on “Fintech 2025” Strategy (PDF File, 698.2 KB)

    by Howard Lee, Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 02 Nov 2020

    Keynote Speech at the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2020

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • 06 Nov 2019

    Keynote Speech at Hong Kong Fintech Week 2019

    by Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

inSight Article(s)

  • 27 Apr 2022

  • 04 Dec 2020

    Eddie Yue on A New Trend for Fintech - Cross-border Payment

  • 02 Nov 2020

    Eddie Yue on What’s Next in Our Fintech Journey (Chinese version)

  • 06 Nov 2019

    Eddie Yue on Join Us and Be Part of the Change (Chinese version)

Quarterly Bulletin Article(s)

  • Sep 2023

    The HKMA’s e-HKD Journey — Making Steady Strides Forward (PDF File, 4.5 MB)

Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (2024)


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