Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (2024)

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A classic French pastry with a modern twist.

Let’s be real. Making éclairs is not an easy dessert to learn but I’m here to tell you that you CAN do it!! This is where my éclair cake enters the scene. I’m not a professional French pastry chef by any means and look at how elegant this cake turned out. Consider this your basic guide to éclairs.

Table of Contents

Why you'll love my recipe.


My directions are very detailed and easy to follow, with plenty of pictures to help you along the way.

Light and airy

The cake reminds me of my favorite Romanian dessert, cremes but WAY BETTER!

Tastes just like an éclair but in cake form

Two layers of choux pastry sandwiched between a decadent, homemade vanilla cream filling. YUM!!

Watch the full recipe tutorial on YouTube.

Ingredient notes.


I prefer to use water instead of milk. It yields are more crispier, lighter choux pastry.


Butter is an important ingredient in the choux pastry. Choose high quality ingredients for the best results.

Corn starch

This is the thickening agent in the pastry cream.

Whole eggs and egg yolks

Choux pastry is traditionally made with whole eggs and pastry cream is made with egg yolks.

Vanilla beans

While vanilla pods are the classic, preferred choice for this dessert, you can substitute it for a tablespoon of vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract.

What is an Éclair Cake?

An éclair is a French pastry that is made from Pâte à Choux, also known as choux pastry. Choux pastry is a light and airy dough made from four ingredients: water, butter, flour and eggs. It is first cooked on the stovetop to create a paste-like dough, and then in the oven, where it puffs up. So why not combine the two together?

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What pan should I use?

I prefer to use 8″ or 9″ springform pans. It releases the sides of the éclair cake without affecting the overall shape or delicate layers. This is a very delicate cake and a springform pan is needed for best results. If you only have one pan, bake the éclair layers one at a time. This pan is a great investment to use for other recipes like cheesecake. Shop my exact springform pans here. (Affiliate link)

How to make Pâte à Choux (choux pastry).

Read through these detailed steps, then check out the photos and extended video tutorial on YouTube for additional help.

Heat the water and butter

In a medium saucepan, combine butter, water, sugar and salt. Heat until butter is melted and mixture is simmering.

Mix in flour

Add the flour all at once. Stir vigorously with wooden spoon or rubber spatula until the mixture forms into a smooth ball, no more flour is visible and pulls away from the sides. There should be film sticking on the bottom of the pan. That’s when you know it’s ready. Remove from the sauce pan into a bowl. Set aside to slightly cool for 5 minutes. It should still be warm to the touch.

Beat one egg at a time

Use an electric hand mixer or stand mixer with a paddle attachment, to beat one eggat a time until fully combined. By the last egg, the dough will become smooth, shiny, sticky and thick.

“V” shape test

When you lift beater out of the dough, it should form a “v” shape that slowly breaks off. This indicates the dough is the right consistency.

If you measured the ingredients with a scale, you won’t have this problem.But if you do, here’s how to remedy the situation. If the dough is too runny, fix it by adding a tablespoon of flour until the dough achieves the proper thickness. If the dough is too stiff, add a teaspoon of water until the dough becomes smoother.

Prepare the pans

Prepare the springform pans with parchment paper on the bottom and butter the sides with softened butter. Shop my exact newspaper design parchment paper sheets here. (Affiliate link)

Divide the dough

Equally divide the dough into two springform pans. If you only have one pan, bake one layer at a time. If you don’t have a springform pan, you may use a standard round or square cake pan but be mindful to line the edges with excess parchment paper for easy release. Spread the dough evenly, all the way to the edges, then use the back of a spoon to create pockets and uneven divots of dough that lift up.

Bake until light, golden brown

Bake for 28-30 minutes until puffy and light, golden brown. Cool for 5 minutes in the pans, then remove and set aside to completely cool on a wire rack.

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Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (4)

Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (5)
Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (6)

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Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (8)

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Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (10)

Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (11)
Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (12)

What is diplomat cream?

Diplomat cream, also known as crème diplomate or diplomat custard, is a light, creamy filling used in pastries and desserts like eclairs, cream puffs and fruit tarts. It is made by combining pastry cream (which is a thick custard made from milk, eggs, sugar, corn starch) and whipped cream. The addition of whipped cream makes the filling fluffier and smoother. Keep in mind, this cream needs to chill for a few hours before assembly.

How to make diplomat cream.

Read through these detailed steps, then check out the photos and extended video tutorial on YouTube for additional help. The filling is my favorite part about this cake but it also requires the most attention. It actually takes less than 20 minutes to make. The only hard part is waiting for it cool.

Make the pastry cream

In a large bowl, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until light yellow in color. Then, add corn starch and whisk until smooth and thick.

Temper the eggs

Heat milk and vanilla over medium/low heat until steam forms but NOT simmering. This takes less than 2 minutes. Put a fine mesh sieve over the egg mixture and SLOWLY pour the warmed milk into the egg mixture WHILE continuing to whisk the egg mixture. Only a little bit at a time. This process slowly warms the eggs to the entire recipe without cooking them. Do not stop whisking while you add the milk. Too fast and you’ll scramble the eggs.

Do not walk away

Pour the whole mixture through the sieve a second time back into the pot. Gently whisk continuously for 5 to 7 minutes until thickened. Do not walk away or stop whisking. Within a few minutes, the mixture will already start to thicken. Once it starts to stick to the pot, which will be very fast, whisk vigorously to smooth out the lumps. Remove from the heat. Add butter and whisk together until combined. It may separate at first but it will come together as you whisk.

Set aside to cool

Press down the surface and directly cover with plastic wrap to prevent a top layer of dry skin from forming. Allow it to cool at room temperature. This will take a few hours. If you’d like to, make the pastry cream ahead of time and refrigerate for up to one day. Cover the cream by tightly pressing plastic wrap over it. Before using, give it a whisk to smooth out the texture as it will have set into a firm, thick custard.

Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (13)
Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (14)

Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (15)
Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (16)

Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (17)
Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (18)

Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (19)
Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (20)

Expert tips for your success.

Weigh your ingredients

Ensure that your choux pastry turns out light, airy and puffs up properly by weighing your ingredients, especially the flour.

Don’t reduce the sugar

Sugar plays an important role in the structure and texture of the pastry cream. The overall recipe is not very sweet! It’s the perfect balance of flavors.

Make the pastry cream first

Pastry cream must be made ahead of time because it requires time to cool. I suggest making it the morning of. Set aside to cool at room temperature. A minimum of 4 to 5 hours is needed for best results. If the cream is still warm when you fold in the whipped cream, it will affect the quality and texture of the layers.

Strain the milk and egg mixture

Use a fine mesh sieve to catch any lumps as well as larger bits of the vanilla bean pods.

Whisk the pastry cream continuously while it’s on the stove

This step requires your full attention. Whisking constantly helps keep the mixture clump free, promotes even thickening and prevents the egg mixture from scrambling.

Chill the cake

The cake layers and filling hold their shape better when chilled. I suggest at least 2 hours of chill time before serving BUT keep the éclair cake in the springform pan. It holds it’s shape a lot better this way. Do not be make more than one or two days ahead. The filling is naturally very soft and is not meant to keep its shape that long.

Cut with a sharp knife

When cutting this type of cake, be sure to use a sharp knife to maintain the soft layers and prevent compressing the cake. Gently pull the knife back and forth when slicing.

How to store leftovers.

Place leftover cake in an airtight container in the refrigerator and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Be mindful that the cake layers and filling texture may change. Best consumed within the first few days.

Looking for other sweets?

Before you go, take a look at some of our other popular sweets:

  • Easy Tiramisu
  • Easy Crepes
  • Brioche Donuts
  • Brown Butter Banana Bread
  • Brown Butter Pumpkin Bread

Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (21)

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Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (22)

Éclair Cake

Patricia Martinescu from Bake Cook Repeat

Let's be real. Making éclairs is not an easy dessert to learn but I'm here to tell you that you CAN do it!! This is where my éclair cake enters the scene. I'm not a professional French pastry chef by any means and look at how elegant this cake turned out. Consider this your basic guide to éclairs.

4.95 from 17 votes

Print Recipe Pin Recipe

Prep Time 20 minutes mins

Cook Time 25 minutes mins

Additional Time 8 hours hrs

Total Time 8 hours hrs 45 minutes mins

Course Baking, Dessert

Cuisine American, French

Servings 9

Calories 508 kcal


For the éclair layers:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour may substitute with bread flour
  • 1 cup water (may substitute with 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup water)
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 Tablespoon granulated sugar
  • Pinch of salt

For the diplomat cream filling:

  • 1 ½ cups whole milk
  • 2 vanilla bean pods, scrapped or 1 Tablespoon vanilla bean paste
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 6 Tablespoons corn starch
  • 4 Tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 ½ cups heavy whipping cream whipped
  • 2 Tablespoons powdered sugar


  • Read through the recipe twice before starting and measure all your ingredients in advance. Go back and watch my full video tutorial, read my expert tips and extended instructions with photos. This recipe is made in steps and not all at once.

Make the pastry cream.

  • The pastry cream needs a few hours to cool down and set. I recommend making it the night before or the morning of. In a large bowl, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until light yellow in color.

    6 egg yolks, 3/4 cup granulated sugar

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (23)

  • Then, add corn starch and whisk until smooth and thick.

    6 Tablespoons corn starch

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (24)

  • Heat milk and vanilla over medium/low heat until steam forms but NOT simmering. This takes less than 2 minutes.

    1 ½ cups whole milk, 2 vanilla bean pods, scrapped

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (25)

  • Put a fine mesh sieve over the egg mixture and SLOWLY pour the warmed milk into the egg mixture WHILE continuing to whisk the egg mixture. Only a little bit at a time. Do not stop whisking while you add the milk. Too fast and you'll scramble the eggs.

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (26)

  • Pour the whole mixture through the sieve a second time back into the pot.Gently whisk continuously for 5 to 7 minutes until thickened. Within a few minutes, the mixture will already start to thicken.

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (27)

  • Once it starts to stick to the pot, whisk vigorously to smooth out the mixture. It will be thick! Remove from the heat.

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (28)

  • Add butter and whisk together until combined. It may separate at first but it will come together as you whisk.

    4 Tablespoons unsalted butter

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (29)

  • Press down the surface and directly cover with cling wrap or plastic wrap to prevent a top layer of dry skin from forming. Allow it to cool at room temperature. This will take a few hours. If you'd like to, make the pastry cream ahead of time and refrigerate for up to one day. Before using, give it a whisk to smooth out the texture as it will have set into a firm, thick custard.

Make the choux pastry.

  • Preheat the oven to 375°F / 190°C.

  • In a medium saucepan, combine butter, water, sugar and salt. Heat until butter is melted and mixture is simmering.

    1 cup water (may substitute with 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup water), 1/2 cup unsalted butter, 1 Tablespoon granulated sugar, Pinch of salt

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (30)

  • Add the flour all at once. Stir vigorously with wooden spoon or rubber spatula until the mixture forms into a smooth ball and pulls away from the sides. There should be film sticking on the bottom of the pan. That's when you know it's ready. Remove from the sauce pan into a bowl. Set aside to slightly cool for 5 minutes. It should still be warm to the touch.

    1 cup all-purpose flour

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (31)

  • Use an electric hand mixer or a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, to beat one eggat a time until fully combined.

    3 large eggs

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (32)

  • By the last egg, the dough will become smooth, shiny, sticky and thick.

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (33)

  • Prepare the springform pans with parchment paper on the bottom and butter the sides with softened butter. Equally divide the dough into two springform pans. If you only have one pan, bake one layer at a time.

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (34)

  • Spread the dough evenly, all the way to the corners. Then, use the back of a spoon to create pockets and uneven divots of dough that lift up.

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (35)

  • Bake for 28-30 minutes until puffy and light, golden brown. Cool for 5 minutes in the pans, then remove and set aside to completely cool on a wire rack.

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (36)

Prepare the filling.

  • Only when you're ready to assemble and serve the éclair cake should you make the whipped cream and complete this step. Place the heavy whipping cream and powdered sugar in a large mixing bowl. Use a hand mixer or stand mixer and whisk until stiff peaks form. Fold in 1/3 of the whipped cream at a time.

    1 ½ cups heavy whipping cream, 2 Tablespoons powdered sugar

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (37)

Assemble the cake.

  • Line the edges of spring form pan with parchment paper for easy release of the cake. Add one éclair layer, then all the filling and top with the final éclair layer. Make sure the filling is spread evenly to the edges of the pan.

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (38)

  • Cover the entire cake with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours in the springform pan. Keep in the refrigerator until ready to slice and serve. This cake is meant to be cut into thick slices in order to maintain the layers and cream in place. Don't worry, you'll thank me later for that. Best served chilled.

    Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (39)


Calories: 508kcalCarbohydrates: 39gProtein: 8gFat: 36gSaturated Fat: 21gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 10gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 293mgSodium: 64mgPotassium: 159mgFiber: 0.4gSugar: 23gVitamin A: 1398IUVitamin C: 0.2mgCalcium: 110mgIron: 1mg

The provided nutritional value above is an estimate per serving. 100% accuracy is not guarenteed. Please see Nutrition Information Disclaimer in our Privacy Policy.

Nutrition Information Disclaimer

Keyword Baking, Cake, Dessert

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Éclair Cake (VIDEO) - bakecookrepeat.com (2024)


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